Friday, July 25, 2008

Taking care of business

We've spent most of the week going to different doctor appts. Getting a years worth of errands run all at one time does not make for a lot of fun. But we did manage to stop at the mall play ground after getting our eyes checked, and new glasses.
And these two pics are for Heather in Canada. We discussed flags once, and this is one of the car dealers I was talking about. You can see the standard flags at the bottom left, and a billboard to the right. And it has a light on it so it can stay out at night and in the rain. Oh, and by the way, I'm really enjoying the fact that the sun knows when to come up and when to go down around here!


Staci said...

I hear ya on the sun. I had to put room darkening shades on the babies window since they see the sun and think it's party time at 5:30 am.

Heather said...

funny thing about the flag. I was watching a show; cant remember what it was now but it involved a father who lost a son in war. Anyway, punchline of the movie was he ended up giving the flag to his forgein neighbour and helped him put it up. The neighbour had asked about taking it down in the rain and the father told him to leave it up-The flag had weathered rougher storms. I would have never gotten the meaning of that if we hadnt had our discussion! Changed the ending!

Thats a very big flag by the way!

The Texan/Canadian Carrabine's said...

I went with tin foil on my toddler's window, and covered my windows with a blanket on the inside.