Friday, July 4, 2008

Camping, again....seriously?

Well, not exactly. Our camping friends are going camping again for several days. And I thought we should give it another try, our way. The boys and I drove down to hang out during the day, and sleep in a hotel at night. And I still have to say, I hate camping. This time it was hot, and dirty, and the mosquitos were eating us up. We did manage to swim in the lake, until a kid about Tyler's age was running around yelling, "Look, they have leaches!" Well, that was enough swimming for Tyler, and he was only walking around in the water anyway. Heather and Brian made me a fabulous dinner of barbque chicken, potatoes, corn, and salad, but it still didn't make camping worth it. We had planned on going back out the next morning, but I just couldn't drive the 3 hours home that dirty. We stayed at the hotel and went swimming until we had to check out. Mason's lucky to have such good brothers to help him swim, because I couldn't bring myself to get in the cold water at 8:30 in the morning, after only a few hours off and on sleep. When Mason was asleep, Tyler was up, when Tyler was asleep, Mason was up.
We are all glad to be home. See more pics here


Heather said...

I am very impressed you tried again! I was a little confused when you said you wanted to come out for the day but I am glad you did. Oh, and we did so get rain, but you were probably sleeping in your room and didnt have a chance to get in touch with nature on that level!

The Texan/Canadian Carrabine's said...

I didn't get any rain! You people are real campers, you can handle rain.