Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Here is the beginning of the pool. Can you see it?


randomthoughts said...

Is that Frank out there with a shovel? He's gonna have a lot of digging!

The Texan/Canadian Carrabine's said...

Mason wanted to dig it! One of our sprinkler heads for the septic was in the pool. Frank was just moving that. And I never got around to thanking you for the snow. Anytime anyone says it's winter Mason asks where the snow is!

randomthoughts said...

lol I told you that you forgot something! I know it wasnt cold but I figured I would have a hard time getting the real stuff down to you with out making a big old mess.

Did Frank tell you about our tentative plans for the summer?

The Texan/Canadian Carrabine's said...

He mentioned you guys may be coming down, but I don't think he was any more specific than that.