Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring time?

I just thought everyone should know that it is -30 F this morning. And of course I have somewhere to go and I need gas. Gas stations should really start advertising....."Get you gas today because tomorrow you could lose a finger or toe"


Heather said...

four words....

Jump to the pump...


The Texan/Canadian Carrabine's said...

I have no idea what you are talking about?????? Must be a Canadian thing.

The Texan/Canadian Carrabine's said...

For those confused by Heather's comment....I talked to her and she says Domo is a full service gas station with the slogan Jump to the pump. Now I haven't seen any of these gas stations or seen a commercial, but apparently that's what it is.

randomthoughts said...

lol its the well kept Canadian secret. I just filled up at one today! did not get out of the car... and got my windows washed as well.

Cathy Hengst Photography said...

mthat sounds just miserable, last week it was in the 40's for three days and rained... what a yucky spring break!