We got talked into going camping this weekend with 4 other families. Which, in theory, would be great fun, except we (Frank and I) hate camping. I had said originally that we would come out and spend the day, but somehow we ended up camping. They were staying Friday and Saturday night. We left Saturday evening (along with 3 other families, only the Canadians stayed.) I found out 2 days before the trip that the lake is bigger than lake Conroe, and they actually have houses to rent on the lake. Why I wasn't in a house I do not know!
Things I learned about camping in Canada:
1. Its cold!
2. The campsites on the lake are the worst ones. Its colder. Luckily we weren't on the lake.
3. When going to the boat launch/fishing area, drive! Turns out its quite a long way while pushing a stroller through gravel.
4. No one want's to take a shower when its freezing.
5. Everything smells like smoke.
6. The tent goes on the gravel ground, so bring lots of tarps.
7. There are no scary critters (no 'coons or opposums, or bears.)
8. Mosquitos are as big as horse fly's, but they don't really bite.
9. Cooking is not as difficult as it would seem, but doing dishes with freezing water is. Although keeping the bugs out of the cooking pot isn't easy.
10. If you bring a large pot to heat water over the fire and fill it with soapy water and use a wash cloth to clean the smoke off your face, it is the best thing ever, and probably would have helped you sleep had you done it before bed instead of after you got up.
11. Invest in the $200 off the ground air mattress, which we didn't.
12. If you must go camping, take a bunch of people so you don't see the kids for hours on end.
13. "Camp soap" is not necessary and no one knows what it really is, but since it was on the list I bought it.
14. The more you drink the more likely you have to pee at 4 in the morning, when its freezing, but at least the sun is up already.
And the final thought - get a hotel, RV, or house and save yourself all the trouble. Plus, it will be cheaper!