Well, after just a few hours of sleep for me, and more sleep for everyone else we headed out again this morning.

First stop was the suspension bridge. The coal miners had to cross this bridge twice a day to get to the coal mine. We crossed it too. The bottom is see
thru, so it was a little scary.

These are the Hoodoos. Strange rock formations. Hoodoo is the European word for the French word Voodoo.

Here is the house of a coal miner at the old coal mine we visited. The house held a bed, stove, and table. It wasn't any deeper than it was wide.

Here is Brittany the Boa at the Reptile museum we visited today. Tyler held it around his neck and there are picks at the link.

This is the other side of Horse Thief Canyon from across the river. We also saw Horseshoe canyon today. There are miles of farm land and then all of the sudden the bottom drops out and there is a whole in the earth. I can imagine coming across the prairie in a wagon and coming across one of these holes. No wonder it was called the Badlands.
See more pics
http://photoshare.shaw.ca/view/10305985956-1208037909-41179/ .
Now we are resting, and going to head to the pool soon. Hopefully we can get more sleep tonight, and then head home tomorrow.
YUCK first off I can not believe the boys touched those snakes. And I am pretty sure I would have a heart attack going over a suspension bridge. Did all of you go YIKES!!!
I think an indoor waterpark would be a blast. Every winter we say we are going to try out the one at schitterbahn but have never made it.
I'm telling you, swimming in the cold is not that great. You just need to be able to walk in the heat and get into a burning up car for swimming to be worth it!
And yes, we all went over the bridge. I just looked up the whole way.
It looks like yall are having such a great time there is so much to see there!!! Keep posting pics we really enjoy seeing them. I did not know there was a larger dino than a t-rex! Pretty awesome! I wish I could come visit. Maybe one day :) Give the kiddos and frank my best.
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