Sunday, January 27, 2008


Mason was invited to a birthday party today. The sitters daughter was turning 2. The party was at the amusement park in the largest mall in North America. All of the boys had lots of fun.

Here Mason is with some of his friends, Madison, Ella, and Ethan.
He refused to go down the slide, but he kept climbing up to throw the balls down it.
And right before we left the big boys took Mason on the carousel. Mason loved the "rides." He yelled "ride, ride" most of the time we were there.
Of course, we had to brave near blizzard conditions to get there. That is the snow just blowing across the road. Its quite crazy looking.
Here are more pics of the amusement park


Cathy Hengst Photography said...

How cool is that! So where is that at? I guess they have to have places like that inside b/c of the weather. My kids would love that.

The Texan/Canadian Carrabine's said...

West Edmonton Mall is a mall onthe west side of town (about 20 min away). They have the amusement park, a water park, an aquarium, ice skating, minature golf, and more....Including a casino and two hotels.

Cathy Hengst Photography said...

How Cool!!! I think we need to come visit!

OMG I just saw the temp -45. So is school closed today? What is the wind chill?